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Get involved in Cuimhne

We need your involvement, your story, your ideas, your skills and your knowledge. Our intention is to involve all sections of the Irish community in Britain in developing, delivering and evaluating the Cuimhne strategy. Every Irish person can contribute so please do contact us with any ideas or to find out how you can help.

This is a call for action to community organisations, churches, businesses, health, social, and cultural facilities to take simple measures to enable people with memory problems and their carers to remain independent and engaged with local communities and services.

It is also a call for action to individuals who have relevant skills, experience of family care or just an interest in promoting a memory loss friendly community for older Irish people.

Our goal is to get the Irish community in Britain to be recognized as the first ethnic minority community to be memory loss friendly – and we need you to help us!

To explore ideas you may have or to ask how you can contribute please contact Irish in Britain via email