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Cuimhne Training 

Cuimhne is a culturally sensitive dementia awareness training programme that aims to promote new and evidence–based ways of thinking about dementia and is geared towards the needs of different groups.

Cuimhne, pronounced “queevna”, is the Irish word for memory. It’s a culturally–sensitive, person–centred approach to learning about dementia. Although many good training courses are available, they tend to be geared towards staff working in care settings, rather than volunteers offering luncheon clubs, social activities and those befriending or supporting carers. They rarely take sufficient account of the cultural needs of people from minority ethnic groups.

This training is aimed at people living with dementia mostly in their own homes in the community. It promotes new and evidence–based ways  of thinking about dementia which keeps the person with dementia and their carers at the centre of learning. The workshops are interactive and are geared towards the needs of each group with certain core elements.


Dementia Awareness increase knowledge about dementia

  • challenge negative assumptions

  • highlight the importance of social interaction and services that can help those with memory problems and their family carers

  • understand the experience of dementia for the person and carer, barriers to help seeking

  • highlight the services available

The value of diagnosis, referral procedures, assessment processes and support for the individual and carer through the diagnostic journey will be covered. Basic communication skills and strategies for coping with memory loss will be also explored.

CPD accredited training

Cuimhne offers face to face and online options

  • Dementia Awareness

  • Inclusive and Enabling Support for People with Dementia

  • Enriching activities for people with dementia

This training is particularly useful for staff and volunteers in community organisations and family carers supporting people with dementia. Undertaking accredited training may also be helpful to any groups seeking to apply for funding for dementia inclusion projects.

If you would like to arrange a workshop for your group, please contact to explore possibilities and discuss the particular needs of your group. We are pleased to offer training free of charge to Irish in Britain member groups.

Workshops are interactive with discussions around case studies. Participants who successfully complete any of our CPD accredited modules below and our evaluation form based on learning outcomes can be awarded CPD certificates.

Our CPD accredited modules (3 hours each):

1 Dementia Awareness

This workshop /online-workshop aims to enhance knowledge of dementia from a strengths perspective informed by a social model of disability. It recognises that impairments caused by dementia are amplified by social, structural and environmental factors rather like a double amputee is disadvantaged without a wheelchair. 

Research shows that people living with dementia are capable of much more than is usually assumed.  The workshop focuses on understanding dementia, recognising deficits but supporting the person to retain and maximise abilities and independence.  The workshop equips participants with confidence to communicate and encouragement to support people living with dementia and family carers.

2 Inclusive and Enabling Support for People with Dementia

This workshop /online-workshop which ideally follows Irish in Britain’s Dementia Awareness workshop, aims to recognise how the impairments which affect people with dementia are exacerbated by barriers within society, particularly within social and physical environments. The workshop focuses on the uniqueness of the person, the abilities they retain and how their strengths can be harnessed to enhance independence, delay deterioration and improve quality of life.

3 Enriching activities for people with dementia

This workshop/online workshop introduces the value of social activities in the lives of people living with dementia. Participants will learn about reminiscence; music; life- story and the value of peer support. The workshop/online workshop focuses on the value of social interventions which take account of the uniqueness of the person with dementia; their biography; abilities; interests and particularly their willingness to share in a spirit of mutual support and learning.

If you are interested in this training and would like to find out more email to discuss.