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Plans for the future


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Cuimhne Champions Tina, Caroline, Anne, Carmel and Chris, together with our Cuimhne Champions Coordinator Zibiah, came together from north, south, east and west London at the Wash House Cafe, Abbey Community Centre, Westminster to discuss Cuimhne activities. 


group at table

We put our heads together to discuss ideas for Irish in Britain’s special initiative to create a “My Story” book.  This special book is being designed with input from volunteers, people with memory loss and our group. It will be used as a tool to help people record and celebrate life stories, promote communication between people of different generations, and help support professionals, families, carers and friends of people with memory loss to better engage and communicate with people with dementia.  


Please watch this space to see how our book design unrolls.  If you are interested to join our team and contribute ideas or help us edit material please do get in touch by calling the office or emailing

Right now we are particularly looking for people who enjoy photography to help us create some special materials.  If this sounds like something you would like to help with we would love to hear from you!