Mental Health Help and Support

1 in 4 people experience poor mental health each year- it's important to remember that you're not alone, and that you deserve support.
Seeking help is often the first step towards getting and staying well, but it can be difficult to know where to turn to. It's common to feel unsure, and to wonder whether you should try to handle things on your own but it's always ok to ask for help.
You might want to seek help if you are:
· worrying more than usual
· finding it hard to enjoy your life
· having thoughts and feelings that are difficult to cope with
Who can I turn to?
There are many options for support out there, although you might find some are more suitable for you or easier to access. There is no wrong approach- Different things work for different people at different times.
Your GP
Your doctor is there to help you with your mental health as well as your physical health. When booking an appointment, it may be worthwhile to ask if there is a GP in the practice who has a mental health interest and try to see that GP.
Your GP can:
· make a diagnosis
· offer you support and treatments (such as talking therapies and medication)
· refer you to a mental health specialist, such as a psychiatrist
· recommend local support options.
Contact the NHS 24 Mental Health Hub by calling 111 if you need to get help when your GP isn’t open or available.
A trained therapist
Trained therapists and counsellors provide a range of different therapies through the NHS, for which your GP could refer you. In some cases, you might be able to contact them directly. To find out more see Mind’s page on finding a therapist.
Family, friends and others
‘A problem shared is a problem halved’
Sometimes it can help to talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. They could:
· help you to find information
· discuss your options with you
· come with you to appointments
· help out with everyday tasks
· give encouragement and support
Charity and third sector organisations
There are many national and local charities which offer various support services, such as:
· helplines and listening services
· information and signposting
· other services such as peer support, talking therapies, advocacy, crisis care, employment and housing support.
Below we have listed some that offer lots of great support options..
Hub of hope is a nationwide mental health database, which brings help and support together in one place. The website or app will help people to find much needed support using their location to find key services and organisations.
Minds mission is to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone. They provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Click here to discover the supports that Mind provide.
Mind InfoLine: 0300 123 3393 The Mind InfoLine can help you find specialist services in your area.
To talk about anything that is upsetting you, you can contact Samaritans 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call 116 123 (free from any phone)
Text services ‘If you can’t talk, text’
SHOUT 85258
To use the service, simply text “SHOUT” to 85258 and trained volunteers can help with issues including anxiety, stress, loneliness or depression and are available 24/7.
Male-focused support
Campaign Against Living Miserably, or CALM, is a registered charity based in England. CALM run a free, confidential and anonymous helpline as well as a webchat service, offering help, advice and information to anyone who is struggling or in crisis.
The free helpline for CALM is 0800 58 58 58 and is open 5pm-midnight, 365 days a year. They also have a free webchat service.
LGBT+ Supports
Switchboard provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through Instant Messaging. Their helpline is 0300 330 0630 (10am to 10pm every day). They also have a messaging and email service.
Condition-specific supports
Anxiety UK is a national charity supporting people affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety based depression. They offer a range of services and can be contacted here.
Eating disorders
Beat is the UK's leading charity supporting those affected by eating disorders and campaigning on their behalf. They provide peer support and have helplines open 365 days a year.
Panic attacks
No Panic is a charity helping/supporting people who live with panic attacks, phobia's, OCD & other anxiety related disorders. No Panic also provides support for the carers of people who suffer from anxiety disorders. They offer lots of free support services and have a helpline open 365 days a year.
Harmless is a passionate organisation who works to address and overcome issues related to self-harm and suicide. They deliver a range of services and can be contacted here.
Gambling support
Gabling with lives supports families bereaved by gambling-related suicide and raises awareness of the devastating effects of gambling disorder, and campaign for change.
Click here if you need to speak to someone about gambling related issues
If you have suicidal thoughts
Call 999 if immediate help is required
Call the Samaritans mental health crisis helpline on 116 123
If you would like any additional support or information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Health and Wellbeing Officer, Ellen at
Time to Talk Day 2023
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