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Thoughtful Thursdays

Our Thoughtful Thursdays series is open to all and may be of particular interest to family carers and to volunteers and staff who may be supporting people living with dementia and their families.

If you would like to find out more about our Cuimhne campaign and its resources to support people living with memory loss and dementia, and their carers and family go to our Cuimhne section HERE, or find out about our carers project HERE

To join future Thoughtful Thursday sessions email

Thoughtful Thursday videos

Birmingham Irish Association's Dementia project with schools

In this video recorded by Irish in Britain, Zibiah, Ellen and Mina from our Cuimhne and Healthy Ageing Project teams speak with Paulene McDermott, Children's Support Worker at Birmingham Irish Association, about an innovative project to raise awareness about dementia amongst young people.

Irish in Britain's Cuimhne Thoughtful Thursday with guest speaker Pam Schweitzer, MBE, the Director of the European Reminiscence Network.

You can 

Irish in Britain's Cuimhne Thoughtful Thursday on carers rights with guest speakers from Camden Carers.

Irish in Britain's Cuimhne Thoughtful Thursday on The Colour of Love, Mixed Marriage and Dementia Care with guest speaker Anne Rossiter.

What are anti-psychotic drugs and are they over prescribed to people living with dementia? We welcomed guest speaker psychiatric pharmacist and researcher Orla Macdonald to talk on this issue and take questions.

This Thoughtful Thursday on Vessels of Memory: Community Archives and Creative Arts featured guest speaker Emma O'Rourke, who talks about her experience of researching Irish migration to London from the perspective of a second generation Irish woman, navigating a now much different landscape.

This special Thoughtful Thursday on Hearing and Memory with guest speaker Dr Eithne Heffernan, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, is fully subtitled to improve accessibility - to access subtitles click on 'Watch on YouTube'.

We were delighted to welcome members of Peaceful Place together with CEO Charlotte Curran, former Health Coordinator for Irish in Britain and co-founder of our Cuimhne work for this Thoughtful Thursday.

Historian and writer Ultan Cowley reflects on the meaning of 'Taking the Boat' and the experiences of people travelling to and fro between Ireland since the 1950s.

This session on Alcohol and Dementia: fact o fiction features guest speaker Dr Tony Rao, Consultant Old-age Psychiatrist South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.

Explaining the Herbert Protocol and how it can help if someone living with dementia goes missing.

On the buses, Irish former bus workers recall their working lives in London in the 1960s and 70s.

37 Years A-Growing: Origins, Development and Future of the Archive of the Irish in Britain with curator Tony Murray

Memories of the men who built Britain: Reminiscence with Ultan Cowley

Irish nurses in Britain with former nurse and author Ethel Corduff

Sharron Tolman from Dementia UK talks on Cancer in Irish people living with dementia.

When the Person You Love Needs More Care than you can give: Karen Webb (Discharge Planning Specialist Nurse) talks about the issues you face when looking to find a care home for your loved one.

Inclusive Volunteering: panel discussion

A chance to learn about and share good practice ideas for involving volunteers from diverse backgrounds in the work of charities.

How to protect yourself and those you care for from fraud part 1 with Aidan McAllister and Paul Smith.

How to protect yourself and those you care for from fraud part two with Aidan McAllister.