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Irish-Language Literature: A Millennium and a Half of Tradition

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An afternoon of talks on Irish-language literature from its beginnings to the present from leading experts.

Irish-Language Literature: A Millennium and a Half of Tradition

Start Date

End Date


Irish Cultural Centre, 5 Black's Rd, London W6 9DT.

Register here

An afternoon of talks on Irish-language literature from its beginnings to the present from leading experts. The Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool is delighted to host this event at the home of its London partners, the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith.


£7 for Language Day (incl lunch)
£12  for Language Day (incl lunch) and Irish comedy Róise & Frank (Irish with English subtitles)

Talks will be in English or in a mix of English and Irish.


12:00 pm

Registration / Refreshments

12:15 pm

Irish writing from the medieval to the modern

Early Irish Poetry - Elizabeth Boyle (Department of Early Irish, University of Maynooth)

Stories of Fionn and the Fianna in the Middle Ages and beyond - Geraldine Parsons (Department of Celtic and Gaelic, the University of Glasgow

Irish Bardic poetry - Mícheál Hoyne (Department of Irish and Celtic Studies, Trinity College Dublin)

1:45 pm


2:30 pm

Twentieth- and twenty-first-century writing in Irish

Women’s Writing in Irish 1900–2023 - Ríona Nic Congáil (School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, University College Dublin)

“Níos Gaelaí ná an Ghaeilge”?: Flann O’Brien and the modern Irish novel - Louis de Paor (Irish Studies, University of Galway)

3:30 pm

Irish poetry readings from students at the Irish Cultural Centre

4.00 pm

Closing Remarks, followed by music and drinks

8.00 pm

Film Screening: Róise & Frank (Irish with English subtitles)
(optional, additional charge applies)