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Cuimhne Thoughtful Thursday on Creative Reminiscence

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Irish in Britain invites you to join us for our Cuimhne Thoughtful Thursday on Creative Reminiscence

Cuimhne Thoughtful Thursday on Creative Reminiscence

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Our Cuimhne panel will be joined by special guest Pam Schweitzer, MBE, Director, European Reminiscence Network

This session is open to all and will be of special interest to family carers, staff, volunteers and community members supporting older people  and people living with memory loss and dementia, people thinking about setting up memory. and reminiscence projects and people volunteering with older people from across all communities.

To facilitate everyone's comfort, you can join this Thoughtful Thursday with a cup of tea without being visible or heard.

Questions are welcomed and will be put to Pam by panellists  Dr Zibiah Loakthar, Dr Mary Tilki and Ellen Gavin.

You may send these to the panel in advance by emailing or may type questions into the chat on the day.

Live captioning will be available to assist access for people with hearing loss.

Pam Schweitzer

Pam Schweitzer, MBE is  Director of the European Reminiscence Network.

Pam was brought up by an Irish woman, Kitty Murray from County Mayo. Kitty lived in Pam's family and shared rich memories with Pam. Through this special relationship with Kitty, Pam was introduced to a network of other Irish girls and women.

Pam set up a professional reminiscence theatre company (Age Exchange Theatre in Blackheath) to explore the memories of older people and make them into theatre productions touring to audiences of older people.

Across the Irish Sea

The play, “Across The Irish Sea” was toured to Irish groups across the UK, Ireland, Netherlands and Germany.  A book on the stories was published to go with the show, which was supported by the Irish community in Greenwich.

For the past  20 years Pam has been interested in exploring how to support people living with dementia by stimulating people to recall key events in their long lives. Pam is experienced in supporting groups of families and family carers to maintain a sense of identity through creative work around remaining memories. 

Pam is co-author of the guide to good practice book "Remembering, Yesterday, Caring Today: Reminiscence in dementia care".

A warm welcome to all.

As always, places are free of charge but please do remember to register in advance.