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Chair and trustee recruitment

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We are seeking a new chair, as well as a small number of professional and inspiring people to join our board of trustees.

Irish in Britain is the national membership body for Irish community organisations and Irish individuals in Britain. As a progressive voice for diaspora interests our mission is to make a positive difference to the lives and experiences of Irish people across Britain. We actively champion a diverse coalition of Irish organisations by building sustainability into our membership network, promoting health equality; campaigning for issues of common interest; conducting research to inform, educate and drive policy; drafting policy bulletins; promoting the interests of the Irish in Britain through our parliamentary representation and as Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Ireland and the Irish in Britain.

To help us to achieve our aims and ensure the organisation is effectively managed we are embarking on a search for our next chair of our trustee board.

Along with a new chair we also have a small number of board vacancies and are seeking professional and inspiring new members to join our Board of Trustees. Board level experience is essential as is a shared understanding of the values of Irish in Britain. We would be particularly interested to talk to you if you have senior level experience in the following fields:

  • Chairing a national membership charity

  • Finance Management

  • Public/Health Policy

  • Legal

For further details about the available positions and how to apply, please visit our vacancies page here.