Culture – Irish Festival

Allen Mary
Mary Allen

Musicians and entertainment at the London Irish Festival

History and background on the London Irish Festival

St Patricks Day Parade & Festival - 17Mar13
Bill Aulsberry

Security at the London Irish Festival

“…they came in on horseback, the police”

Gary Dunne

St. Patrick’s Day parade and Festival in Trafalgar Square

Kearney Michael
Michael Kearney

“there was a bit of a row one year…”

Monahan Tom
Tom Monaghan

“So, it’s sounding like you’re really missing how it used to be…”

London Irish Festival: “it’s like your local club”

Sills Michael
Michael Sills

The early days of the London Irish Festival

Volunteer work to put on the London Irish Festival

Mel and Mal McNally

Activities and incidents at Roundwood Park Irish Festival

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